Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Coming Into Being

Everything comes down to one point.
And in an instant, the whole universe comes into being.
Gas clouds condense, stars form, planets cool,

and some matter turns against entropy.
Amino acids into cells,
into spine, into consciousness.
Each change driven by one energy,
one mind, one love.
This orgasm flows through each of us
and everything comes down to one point.
And in each instant,
the whole universe comes into being.

- A Taste of Sex erotic poetry readings

1 comment:

  1. I love this post.

    An orgasm can only come about when you surrender yourself. To someone else.
    And in that surrender sometimes, you encounter something bigger. Infinitely bigger. The ceiling flies away. The walls fall down. The bed floats. Among the stars. And you swim in that ultimate space in between. In ecsatcy.
